How to visit us:
We are based at
the heart of the Garbage Village . Because of its unusual
nature, it is not easy to find us unless some one guides you.
If you are
visiting Egypt and would like to include a visit to the APE-
Egypt, we are quite happy to arrange such a visit. The usual
arrangement is to meet by prior arrangement at entrance of the
Citadel. It is a well
known monument and a must for any visitor. It is also only 5 minutes
away from the A.P.E
One of our cars
with some of the APE personnel will escort you to our
We will be
happy to show you all the various activities mentioned in this
site. The
tour will take about two hours. At the end of your tour we will
take you back to the Citadel.
We would like
to welcome you and share an understanding of our work; although
our transport and guided tour are free, we would appreciate a
minimum donation of five dollars ($5) to cover the essential
cost of fuel and maintenance.

to enlarge.